Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Use Data for Better Recruitment

How to Use Data for Better Recruitment These days data can be a funny thing. In some ways, we simply have too much of it and it’s overwhelming. And yet, in others, we lack enough to give us a clear picture of what’s actually taking place. And, lest we forget … math is hard, right?  So, what’s a Talent Acquisition leader to do? How do you tell your VP, CHRO or CEO the true story of what’s happening behind the scenes of your recruitment operations? Get your priorities straight First things first, treat Talent Acquisition measurement like everything else in business and clearly define your goals. What are you trying to accomplish? Think big picture stuff. Establish a few key goals (no more than 3-5) and then determine which metrics help tell the story of your success.  Each data component is like a puzzle piece, and it’s up to you to put the pieces together into a coherent story. No one wants to see the raw data. They want to know what it means. That’s your job. Now, this is where we start going down the rabbit hole, folks. In measuring goals, there are a number of metrics that can help you tell that story. Here are some you may want to consider (the list is long, but not all-encompassing by any means): Media impressions Media clicks Apply clicks Website metrics User sessions New vs returning users Number of pages viewed Time on page/site Geography of users Device used (mobile vs desktop, browser, etc.) Organic vs. paid traffic Where people are coming from (acquisition) Search terms driving them to your site Social reach Social fan growth Social / content engagement Open rates on your candidate communications (emails, text, etc.) Talent pipeline growth Total applications Started Completed Applicant funnel Number of applies Number of interviews Number of offers Number of hires Percentages for each subsequent step Source data (source of traffic, source of application, source of hire) Demographics and diversity profiles of applicants/hires/employees Qualitative data from onboarding surveys, exit interviews, etc. Media spend vs. media ROI Employee retention rates Time to fill Cost per apply / hire Quality of hire Trends over time for all of these Define your goals and then choose which Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) give you the clues you need.  Of course, everyone’s business is different, and your company’s goals, recruitment challenges and departmental needs all play a role. To try to be as helpful as possible here, below are two potential real-world scenarios that companies go through and the associated KPIs you may want to consider for each. Scenario 1: A new company (or a full company re-branding): Your challenge?  Job seekers don’t know you. And, if they don’t know you, they’ll be far less likely to apply. Your potential measuring sticks? Brand awareness: KPIs would include social reach, social fan growth, brand mentions, website traffic, media impressions and media clicks. All of the things that indicate people are becoming familiar with your company. Applicant flow: Track your application trends over time. Are you getting more? Time to fill: As you become more well-known, your time to fill should shrink. Scenario 2: Strategic audience targeting Your challenge?  You need to target and hire more of a particular segment, whether that’s female computer programmers or customer service agents in Dallas. Yours is a highly targeted approach. Your potential measuring sticks? Depending on your initiatives, some of the KPIs from the example above would work too. You could consider social fan growth and awareness, but specifically among your target audience, not broad-based. Did you create a landing page? Track visits and time on site. If you have a talent network or email signup, you can track the amount of “joins” from your target audience. Think about your content approach here too, and track the performance of that as much as possible. And, it almost goes without saying, but make sure you’re tracking the trend in hires. All of this data should be specific to your target audience. Bottom line: If you’re targeting a specific sub-group, you may not have huge overall numbers to share, but what’s important is the improvement trend over time. My last note on metrics is to make sure that you’re sharing them in a visual way. Create charts, graphs, info blocks, etc. vs. a mind-numbing Excel sheet. I find PowerPoint is actually pretty good for this type of work (more visual recommendations here).  Numbers can be daunting, but if you make your KPIs an integral part of your story, you’ll have a well-formed, data-backed view of current trends and a rationale for your future strategies to share with your executives. What challenges have you faced with data in your organization, and how did you solve them? Let us know in the comments below. Image credit: Shutterstock

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Understanding the Benefits of Resume Writing Service in the Year 2020

Understanding the Benefits of Resume Writing Service in the Year 2020For all the small and large companies alike, a resume writing service is one of the most essential tools in the marketing and recruitment tools. While there are many companies who can create a job seeker resume, not all of them have the expertise to write a perfect one for any particular job.The goal of any job seeker or a prospective employee should be to choose a company that can write an outstanding resume and a concise one at that. This is especially true if a candidate will be applying for any position in the middle of the market.However, with the wide and ever-changing market for the best resumes in current competitive jobs, choosing one should not be that difficult. There are a lot of advantages when it comes to resume writing services and these can help the job seeker a lot in reaching his target. In fact, it is one of the most ideal career paths to be a part of resume writing service in search engine optimi zation and internet marketing.One of the best benefits of using one is that it can help the job seeker change his previous resume to a better one. Before the services of a resume writing company, a resume writer may have already written a number of similar resumes for different candidates. This means that every candidate has a fairly standard resume to which he/she should strive to follow. With the help of these services, the job seeker can make sure that he/she is able to include all the personal details in a way that makes it stand out from the others.When one opts for the services of a resume writing company, it will usually first check if the job seeker has other resumes to compare before they offer their services. In this way, the writer can help the job seeker by making sure that they are able to create a new one that will stand out from the rest.Additionally, these services can also do the research about the individual they are writing for and know what kind of person they ar e looking for. It is a great way to ensure that one's resume is more specific and serves as an accurate representation of him/her.The best resume writers can also create one on the spot depending on the person they are writing for. These can include the age of the person, how long he/she has been working at a particular company, educational background, education level, professional experience, and more.In order to make sure that they are getting the most suitable service, it is also important for job seekers to research about the same year employers need a resume from in order to find the best one. This way, the job seeker will be assured that the final resume is one that the employer will want to work with.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Questions Should You Never Ask in a Job Interview

What Questions Should You Never Ask in a Job Interview Most job seekers know that when interviewing for a job, asking intelligent and well-thought-out questions is an integral part of the applicant evaluation process. Approaching a job interview with a variety of questions on topics such as company and departmental goals, culture, mission and values, why the position is open and what is expected of the successful candidate who fills it all speak to the applicant’s preparation, and foreshadow the level of dedication he or she will show if hired. However, there are a number of questions that are best avoided in the preliminary interview stages. While some may cover relevant topics and provide information necessary for candidates to make an intelligent decision on how to approach the next step in their career, these questions may send the wrong message to employers who, above all else, simply want to gauge candidates’ knowledge of and interest in working for the company. Let’s take a look at a few questions that should be left to later stages of the interview process, or sometimes avoided altogether. What does your company do? There’s no better way for a candidate to make a lackluster impression at a job interview than to arrive with little or no knowledge of what the company does. Employers want to hire someone who believes in their mission, will contribute to their bottom line, and ultimately integrate into the culture and become part of the family. Asking what the company does proves the candidate didn’t spend any time researching the company  and is indifferent to whom they work for. Candidates have a limited amount of time in an interview to prove they are a better fit for a position than other applicants. Demonstrating an interest in the company, its product or service offering, and its mission will give the employer an idea of the dedication and work output they can expect if the candidate is hired. How much does this job pay? Salary is a touchy subject in job interviews, and some employers still feel it should not be broached until the offer stage. While delaying the salary discussion may result in a number of interviews for jobs that are not a fit, candidates should resist the temptation of screening jobs by salary in the initial interview stages. Employers want to be sure they’re not hiring someone who is driven solely by money and will leave as soon as they receive a higher offer. They want to know employees are emotionally invested in their work and the company. Regardless of the candidate’s qualifications and work history, bringing up salary in an interview may be viewed by employers as a sign of misplaced priorities. How much vacation time will I get? Like the salary question, bringing up vacation time in an initial job interview may be viewed by employers as, “What can you do for me,” instead of demonstrating what the candidate can offer the employer. Candidates should approach each interview with the mindset that the employer has a number of qualified applicants from which to choose. Therefore, candidates need to sell themselves, showing how their background and skill set lends itself to the position’s requirements. Asking about vacation and personal time before an offer is made gives an impression of laziness and selfishness instead of dedication and determination. What kind of benefits do you offer? Asking what benefits are offered in a job interview is essentially a combination of asking about salary and not researching the company in advance. The benefits package is an important part of any job offer and can make or break a candidate’s decision whether or not to take the job. Therefore, like salary, many employers feel it’s a topic they should bring up, not the candidate, and only once an offer has been made. Furthermore, with the advent of employer review sites such as Glassdoor, candidates can get an idea of the benefits offered by the employer by simply researching them. Asking about benefits in the initial interview stage shows the candidate made no effort to do so. How do you handle failure? The last thing an employer wants to think about when looking to hire their next superstar employee is their back-up plan for a bad hire. Everyone fails at some point in their job. It’s how they recover from failure, learn from it and improve going forward that determines their strength as an employee. Asking how an employer will react to impending failure only focuses on the negative. While job seekers may encounter this question from an interviewer and should be prepared to answer it with examples from their past, they should otherwise focus on the positive, and how they plan to help the company succeed if hired. For job seekers who are scheduling interviews with prospective employers, there are two general rules they should follow. First, do your homework. The more advance research a candidate does on a company, their products, and services, their successes and failures, their employees and culture, etc., the better it will reflect on the candidate’s desire to become part of the team. Second, ensure all questions are to the benefit of the employer and maintain a positive tone. Avoid all questions related to money, perks, or anything that directly benefits the candidate. These can be negotiated once the employer has confirmed interest in extending an offer. Until then, questions should focus on topics such as company and departmental goals, growth and learning opportunities, and expectations surrounding the job opening. By doing this, candidates demonstrate their interest in the company, position, and impact they can make, as opposed to appearing self-serving and indifferent to the employer’s needs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Philips Built an Employer Brand from Scratch

How Philips Built an Employer Brand from Scratch When Lisa Chartier started the employer branding team at Philips she was flying solo. Over time, she built up a strategic function that now spans the globe. Shes the Global Employer Brand and Recruitment Marketing Lead at Philips, and we sit down with her to learn how she established the capability, justified budgets, hired a team, showed results, negotiated peaks and troughs and what the future holds. Have a listen to the interview below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the  Employer Branding Podcast. Listen on  Apple Podcasts,  Stitcher Radio,  Google Play  or  SoundCloud. In this episode youll learn: If Philips still do washing machines and headphones! About the corporate culture at Philips What the purpose of employer branding is at Philips Lisas 3 biggest challenges shes had to overcome at Philips Philips 4 EVP pillars How Philips measure their  employer branding efforts Lisas top 3 tips to employer  branding managers around the world Why EVERYTHING is up next for employer branding, from educational resources to access to better technologies! Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Do You Need to Use a Resume With Picture Template?

Why Do You Need to Use a Resume With Picture Template?Have you been working for some time and yet your resume is missing something? Maybe you have just recently started a new job but your previous experience is not shown. Even if you think that your experience is great, it could still be missing something that will help you get hired and make you valuable to the company.You would not want to be dismissed by a good recruiter without any backup. The only thing that you will need is to simply edit your resume with picture template.One thing that you need to know about resumes is that it is usually needed before you start looking for employment. Your employer will read the resume first and then he or she will consider you for an interview. You can look into the job description but you will need to take note of any special skills that are needed to fill in the vacancy. If the role is not listed on the job description, you can ask for an example of the specific skill so that you can write down the qualities.In terms of writing a resume, the job description will probably be the first thing that potential employers will look at. They need a clear view of what the job is and what is expected from you. You should write about the position and what you are expected to do in order to fill in the vacancy.Most companies have a sample resume that they give to those who apply for a job. However, these resumes are usually small and are unorganized. It may also be missing information that will be beneficial to the company if you were to apply for the open position.Using a professional template is the best way to create a new resume that has a clean appearance and that will be easily understood by the potential employer. This is why you should use a professional resume creator. A professional template makes sure that the proper information is provided in the resume so that it will not only stand out but also be very helpful to the employer.There are many things that a person needs to look at when applying for a job. You can ask a recruiter or look online to see if there are any questions or concerns that the employer has regarding your resume. Be sure to follow the exact steps in order to create a successful resume that the potential employer will really like.The use of a picture template and a professional template make sure that your resume will be easy to read and will be beneficial to the employer. If you are going to apply for a job, be sure to make sure that your resume includes all the necessary information so that it will be helpful to the company in hiring the right person for the job.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Phrases You Should Avoid Using in The Workplace

5 Phrases You Should Avoid Using in The Workplace â€" A professional life has a code of conduct that you have to follow to ensure compliance with work ethics. The surprising fact is that a great proportion of fresh grads and experienced employees are unaware about certain disciplines that are essential in maintaining discipline and professionalism in an organization.Photo Credit- Pixabay.comKeeping in mind the critical role of professionalism in a workplace, we present here 5 things you should never say at work:1.“That’s not my job…”evalEvery employer looks for employees who have a ‘can-do’ attitude. They prefer working with employees who can proactively perform their role and contribute to the progress of the company. The negative connotation of the word ‘not’ disgraces you in the eyes of the employer and he tends to lose faith in you.evalRather than saying, “That’s not my job”, you should say, “Sure, I’ll try my best to do it. It would be exciting to do such a challenging task.”This will create the impressi on that you have the courage to say yes to projects that challenge your limits and the employer will likely to consider you for the important role that calls for a winning attitude.2. “I hate my job…”No matter how backbreaking your job is, you are not expected to abuse your work. Using such words not only disgrace the job but also hurt feelings of the many workers who are doing the similar job.This is also not good for your own growth and questions your candidacy for the profession. I mean, how come you do justice to a profession that you hate. Even if you happen to be a misfit for a job, it is better to switch your job rather than offending your co-workers and employer by using inappropriate words.3. “It’s just not fair…”At times, employees feel unappreciated for their work. But that doesn’t mean that you start saying nasty things about your organization. Such an attitude is often manifested when one of your workers get a promotion or a pay raise. However, it is tot ally uncool to resort to negative behaviour if one of your co-workers gets acknowledgment from your employer.Instead, you need to congratulate them and wait for your turn. You need to take inspiration from your co-worker and take it as a challenge to outdo your peers. Remember that professional jealousy leads to bad behavior, while a winning attitude leads to healthy competition.So rather than using foul language against your employer, you should work harder to supersede the others who are competing with you in the workplace.4. “I don’t like training…”evalSkills development programs play a significant role to earn endless opportunities in the working world. If you won’t engage in training opportunities that are provided by your firm, then you’ll definitely lag behind your counterparts.Thus you should participate in every learning opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in a proactive way. Else you will definitely miss out a worthwhile opportunity that could help you climb the career ladder.eval5. “It’s Not My Mistake…”Avoid saying these words when you did something wrong. It is a good thing to own your mistakes and overcome them with determination. According to a recent survey, it is revealed that employees who work on their mistakes develop a problem-solving approach and find quick solutions to their problems.Therefore, you too can turn your weaknesses into strengths by owning your mistakes and rectify them in future. So, instead of blaming others, you should work on your flaws in order to evolve as a professional.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Wind Down Your Business Worries

Wind Down Your Business Worries Running a business is hardly a breeze. It takes a lot of hard work and stress to build a business from the ground up. You might be capable of taking things one step at a time, and not really worrying about anything. However, most people are likely to have a huge number of worries. Its healthy to worry about some things when you own a business. If you werent stressing about anything, you would probably be a bit too casual about the fate of your company. But you dont want your worries to consume you and prevent you doing your best. If you want to worry less, try these tips. Set Your Finances Straight Money is obviously the primary worry of any business person. Money is what allows your business to keep going and to grow. It can quickly stop your company in its tracks if you dont have enough of it. Cash flow problems and thinking about how you can afford to grow your business can keep you awake at night. If you want to reduce your financial stress, you need to start by knowing your numbers inside and out. If you cant say how much youre spending and bringing in, and what you expect those numbers to be in a few years, you need to get on top of your finances. Get Tech Troubles Taken Care Of Technology of some kind is necessary to make most businesses tick. Even if you start off with a single computer and phone, you need to make the most of them. Problems with your tech can have an impact on productivity, customer satisfaction, and your finances. If you want to avoid worrying about tech issues, Xirtix Consulting for businesses can help you. IT consulting firms can take care of your problems so that you can take care of other things. If you have the right help, you can have tech issues taken care of before they have any real impact on your business. Make Sure You Have a Clear Plan Not having an idea of the future can be a considerable point of worry for any business owner. Of course, you cant make any solid predictions about whats going to happen in the future. Anything unexpected could occur, but that doesnt mean that plans are useless. Making plans is still an important thing to do so that your business has direction. You should have goals and projections so that you at least know where you want to be in six months or two years. Get Your Priorities Right When you have a seemingly endless list of things to do, it can all get overwhelming. You dont know where to start, and you can end up focusing on the wrong things. Then you get stressed out because everything keeps building up. One of the most important things is to have your priorities sorted. You can use a tool like Trello or Asana to organize everything that you need to do. Rank your tasks by what you need to do first and assign tasks to the right people too. You cant completely get rid of your worries about your business, but you can reduce them. Get more organized, and everything should be less overwhelming.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Clear your fear in career transition - Hallie Crawford

Clear your fear in career transition Do you dream of doing something new in your career? Do you spend hours daydreaming about how things will be wonderful in your new career and not stuck in the one you’re in? Do you find yourself hesitant to take the steps forward, even though you know you want change? You are not alone. As a career coach, I have spoken with hundreds of people who dream of doing something different with their lives, but can’t seem to move forward. What’s holding them back?  One word: Fear. I see fear as the #1 reason people stay in jobs they don’t like. It could be fear of the unknown, fear of what other people will think, fear of failure, or fear of financial insecurity. There are as many different fears as there are people. So what can you do if you want to make a career transition but are stuck in fear? Here are my three top tips to clear your fear and make a career change: Take Things One Step at a TimeThe fastest way to feel overwhelmed and fearful is to jump 10 steps ahead of where you’re currently at. Instead, just concentrate on the next step in front of you. For instance, don’t worry about being offered the job if you haven’t sent out any resumes. First get your resume and cover letter in order. Whenever you jump ahead past the step you’re on, you will feel fearful. Spend Time Getting Clear Inside YourselfMany times fear is based on what other people tell you and what you hear in the news. Basing our decisions on what we think others will think is not helpful for you in getting clear on your career transition. Instead, spend time journaling, meditating, and asking yourself what you most want. Allow yourself to get excited and motivated towards making a change. You are in charge of your own life, so spend time getting clear about what is best for you. Find SupportIt is very challenging to make big changes alone. It is important to enlist a supportive team to help you with your transition. You don’t have to do this work alone. Why reinvent the wheel if there are professionals who can help? If you are  ready to get support in your career transition, contact us today and we’d love to provide you a complimentary consultation. Darcy Holoweski Certified Career Coach P.S.  Are you frustrated with your job search? Check out our  FREE REPORT:  Take Control of Your Career Transition: Uncover Hidden Opportunities today!